Blood Drive
Calling Hometown Heroes! We need your blood donations in Tulare County! Each blood donation can save multiple lives in our community. The donation process should take about an hour of your time. Please be sure to drink plenty of water before your donation and eat a good meal. Don't forget to bring your picture ID when you come to donate.

Pint for Pint Blood Drive 🩸🍦
This Friday, Central California Blood Center will be on site in Porterville for a blood drive with a SWEET incentive: all donors will receive a pint of ice cream!

Lindsay Unified Back to School SFMC!
Join us for the Lindsay Back to School Giveaway! The event will be held on Thursday, July 25th from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Washington Elementary's Multipurpose Room (530 W. Hermosa St, Lindsay).
We will be giving away backpacks and supplies on a first-come, first-served basis.
Community Organizations: We're also accepting resource booths and school supply donations!
For more information, call (559) 562-8292.

Annual Sequoia Arbor Day 5k & Health Fair
Annual Sequoia Arbor Day 5k & Health Fair returns!!
All proceeds benefit Tule River Parkway Association.
Early bird registration is open NOW for just $25!

Women's Wellness Day
Let’s Taco Bout Women’s Wellness!
Join us for Women's Wellness Day on March 7th, from 11am to 6pm! Embrace your health and well-being with essential services that empower women to prioritize their wellness.
We're offering scheduled breast and cervical cancer screenings, and walk-ins are welcome for blood pressure readings and glucose testing. To sweeten the deal, those who receive a screening will receive a free meal ticket, and giveaway winners will be drawn every 2 hours as a token of our appreciation for prioritizing your health!
Don't miss this opportunity to pamper yourself, prioritize your health, and possibly win fantastic prizes. Mark your calendars for a day dedicated to women's wellness and empowerment!
SFMC Blood Drive
Follow this link to register - registration is NOT mandatory but does help the staff to plan for your best experience!
Each participant will receive a bib, medal, swag bag, and shirt. Packet pick up will be on Friday, April 28th from 3 to 7 p.m. at Sequoia Family Medical Center, 590 W. Putnam Ave.
There will be vendors for fun, health, and food, so bring your walking or running shoes, and your family!
You can also register to plant a tree on the 29th with Cathy Capone at 559-361-9164.
Women's Wellness Day
Spring Women’s Wellness -
This is the time of year when we take the opportunity to be in tune with our inner health goddess! If you are a Dignity Health Patient and need your annual Breast Cancer or Cervical Cancer screening, please get in touch with your SFMC Provider for your referral!
Earlimart Spring Health Fair
Earlimart Spring Health Fair
Join us for a Spring Health Fair where you can get your blood sugar and your blood pressure checked. We will also be joined by the California HIghway Patrol for free resources on car seats for the family. United Way, Proteus, and many other community partners will be there too.
SFMC Blood Drive
Follow this link to register - registration is NOT mandatory but does help the staff to plan for your best experience!
Love Your Heart Day!
Come in and get your blood pressure and your blood sugar checked - FOR FREE! We will be giving away kits for good health and free food too!
Central California Blood Drive
This event is open to the public. Please join us for a special evening of giving to our community with snacks and cider. All donors will have the chance to win a Christmas Tree decorated by Sequoia Family Medical Center. Please click on the “register here” button below to sign up and give blood on December 9th.

Women's Wellness Event by Dignity Health
Sequoia Family presents to you, Women’s Wellness Day.
Learn why understanding your health as a woman, at any age, is so important.
More information to come - please save the date!

COVID, Booster & Flu Shot Extended Hours!
Sequoia Family Medical Center is hosting a 5-day event with extended hours in Lindsay and Earlimart. See locations and EXTENDED times below to get your COVID Vaccine, COVID Booster, Flu Shot, or Physical!

Earlimart Grand Opening & Backpack Giveaway
Come meet our Sequoia Family Medical Staff and celebrate our GRAND OPENING on Thursday, August 4th, from 3 to 7 pm, with a backpack giveaway! Our community partners will be joining us to make sure all children who visit will receive school supplies, a backpack, and their families will also receive dinner.