Simply take your most recent bill, find your Account ID number, and click below to enter the patient payment portal.
Bonus: You get to decide how much you can pay today while keeping yourself healthy!
We are currently ONLY taking payments for services or visits at the following locations;
590 W. Putnam Ave., Porterville, CA 93257
396 N. Church Rd., Earlimart, CA 93219
252 Hwy. 65, Lindsay, CA 93247
We are NOT taking payments for Dr. Sidhu, Dr. Jaisi, or Dr. Durazo’s Offices.
Sliding Fee Discount Program
All patients seeking health care services at locations are assured that they will be served regardless of ability to pay. This program is designed to provide free or discounted care to those who have no means, or limited means, to pay for their medical services (uninsured or underinsured). We will offer a Sliding Fee Discount Program to all who are unable to pay for their services. Valley HealthCare Centers will not discriminate on the basis of an individual’s race, color, sex, national origin, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Click below for more information.
Programa de Descuento
Todos los pacientes que busquen servicios de atención médica en nuestras ubicaciones están asegurados de que serán atendidos independientemente de su capacidad de pago. Este programa está diseñado para proporcionar atención gratuita o con descuento a aquellos que no tienen medios, o tienen medios limitados, para pagar por sus servicios médicos (no asegurados o insuficientemente asegurados). Ofreceremos un Programa de Descuento a todos los que no puedan pagar por sus servicios. Nuestros centros no discriminarán por motivo de raza, color, sexo, origen nacional, discapacidad, religión, edad, orientación sexual o identidad de género.
Haga clic en el enlace para más información: